ANACORTES, WA – As part of Puget Sound Energy’s (PSE) efforts to support organizations that serve families and individuals in the community, they have awarded over $900,000 in total grant funding through their Green Power and Solar Choice programs. Samish Indian Nation is the recipient of this round’s competitive funding.
Samish operates on the foundation of protecting citizens and respecting the land that has connected them to their ancestors since time immemorial. As a recipient of this grant, the Samish Indian Nation is aligned with PSE’s plans to address providing cleaner energy, lowering energy-related operating costs and making a push to a more inclusive clean energy future.
“This solar array is important to our goals of reducing our carbon footprint and increasing our Nation’s climate change resiliency plans,” said Samish Indian Nation Chairman, Tom Wooten. “We are proud to be a recipient of this funding and appreciate being able to contribute to our community in this way.”
The Green Power Solar Grant, funded by PSE’s Green Power and Solar Choice customers, brings local solar projects to PSE’s electric service area while providing support to grant recipients through lower utility bills for low-income or black, Indigenous and people of color communities and the organizations that serve them. Samish will be installing their solar project on the Cannery Building, which houses their Health and Human Services Department.