Annual Navajo Nation Fair Set for Sept. 4–8

Navajo Nation annual fair

WINDOW ROCK, AZ – The 76th Annual Navajo Nation Fair will take place Wednesday to Sunday, Sept. 4 to 8 at the Navajo Nation Fairgrounds in Window Rock, AZ. The them “Honoring Heritage: Celebrating Harvest, Livelihood & Kinship” will focus on preserving Navajo cultural heritage.

“Under Navajo Nation President Buu Nygren’s leadership, new people were put in charge to make sure changes were made to avoid financial problems of past fairs,” said Mike Halona, Division of Natural Resources Executive Director. “Through careful planning and resource management, we will make sure to spend every dollar wisely. We want this to set a new standard for financial stewardship for future fairs. This momentous event isn’t just about tradition,” said Halona. “It’s about embracing contemporary fiscal responsibility. We are going to ensure that every dollar received contributes to a flourishing event and supports the local business community.”

Since its inception in 1948, the Navajo Nation Fair has been an important aspect of Navajo culture, drawing as many as 100,000 fairgoers. It brings together the 110 Navajo chapters to celebrate traditional events and is enjoyed by Navajos and visitors.