A1 American / Defender Collection
Phone: (833) 205-2200
From hotels to restaurants to spas, every business in the hospitality industry needs personal protective equipment (PPE) to welcome back guests during the ongoing pandemic. A1 American has emerged as a leader during this crisis in supplying PPE to the nation’s hospitality businesses, protecting guests and staff. A1 American’s healthcare and hospitality divisions have joined forces to provide products that meet the standards set out by government agencies.
A1 American offers vital PPE supplies that hospitality businesses require for daily operation. For example, they produce both mounted and freestanding hand sanitizer dispensers and gallon-size refill jugs to allow guests and staff members to keep their hands free from germs in entryways and other contact areas. They also supply reusable and disposable masks, face shields, disinfecting wipes and dispensers, microfiber towels, non-contact thermometers, and more.
Besides these essentials, A1 American has developed products that show your care and concern for arriving guests. Any traveler will be dealing with some trepidation during a global pandemic. However, receiving Essential PPE Welcome Kits upon arrival shows that you value your guests’ safety. The kit provides travelers with a few essentials they may have forgotten to pack, such as disposable masks, personal hand
sanitizer bottle, and alcohol wipes.
A1 American is continually expanding the list of essential care products for the hospitality industry to supplement their existing line of hotel supplies. In these ways, they are striving to emerge as the hospitality industry’s leading PPE provider.