ROCK HILL, SC – The Catawba Nation recently celebrated a historic day as they welcomed the York County Sheriff’s Office (YCSO), York County Council, and citizens to the main government building on the Catawba reservation in Rock Hill, SC, to finalize an agreement between the tribe and sheriff’s office allowing for the cross-deputization of three of the Catawba Nation Tribal Police Department officers, which would authorize them to enforce York County and South Carolina law on tribal lands.
The partnership between York County was sealed with a signed agreement between Catawba Nation Chief William Harris, York County Sheriff Kevin Tolson, and York County Chairwoman Christi Cox. Following the signatures, the three tribal police officers were sworn in by Sheriff Tolson.
“My team and I are proud to serve the community, and we want to build a safe environment for citizens and help them exercise their inherent right to sovereignty – and part of that is developing a justice system,” said Shawn Butler, Catawba Nation Director of Public Safety and Tribal Police Department Chief.
“[The Nation has] three of the finest police officers I know and I am excited to cross-deputize them,” said Sheriff Tolson. “[YCSO is] not leaving the reservation; we are going to work with the department and help them, and assist each other. We are excited about being able to do this. I am excited to see the Nation grow.”