John St. Clair, Chairman, Eastern Shoshone Tribe
Like many tribal nations throughout the country, the Shoshone Tribe depends on their enterprises to manage their resources and assets and to bring in much needed revenue to the tribe and community.
Teri Gobin, Chairwoman, Tulalip Tribes
We had additional closures when rioters and looters came through our area. We had to make immediate decisions to close our whole Quil Ceda Village area down and had police barricades everywhere. The word went out and tribal members helped guard the area along with the police...
Ned Daniels, Jr., Chairman, Forest County Potawatomi
We have been able to successfully navigate through these uncertain times for two main reasons – excellent management and strong long-term planning/thinking.
W. Ron Allen, Tribal Chairman/CEO, Jamestown S’Klallam Tribe
As we move deeper into 2021, we find ourselves doing our part to defeat the pandemic and get back to normal. This current health care dilemma has been an adjustment for both our tribal governmental operation and our businesses.
Rodney Butler, Chairman, Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation
Heading into 2021, we continued to redefine our post-pandemic resort experience, bolstering Foxwoods’ offerings and driving the resort’s experiential evolution forward, while also keeping safety top-of-mind.
Joseph T. Byrd, Chairman, Quapaw Nation
As positive test cases and mortality rates sharply decline, there is a better sense of public health and safety from our tribal members. Our government offices have shifted back to being fully opened to the public and our business entities have relaxed pandemic protocols that were put in place over a year ago.
Chuck Hoskin, Jr., Principal Chief, Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Nation has remained steadfast in its efforts to prioritize the health and safety of its tribal citizens, team members and guests above all else. We’re working with our partners at the state and federal levels to help the communities within our reservation and build back the local economy.
Gwendena Lee-Gatewood, Chairwoman, White Mountain Apache Tribe
We have strived to find a balance between addressing public health concerns while still providing recreation and economic stability for our tribe and people.
Delores Pigsley, Tribal Chairman, Confederated Tribes of Siletz Indians
We practice all of the same protocols for COVID-19 health and safety as we did before. It's been challenging, but we've enjoyed good revenue so far this year.
Jack Potter Jr., Tribal Chairman, Redding Rancheria
We streamlined and fine-tuned many services such as A and B shifts, as well as drive-thru membership meetings, which allowed the membership to still conduct business while keeping everyone safe and allowing the tribe to move forward.