SHAWNEE, OK – Ongoing construction projects at the Citizen Potawatomi Nation (CPN) headquarters have made significant progress. One of the most prominent developments is the new FireLake Casino and Hotel, which is rapidly advancing at the intersection of Gordon Cooper Drive and Hardesty Road. The new casino will be 49,000+ sq. ft. with more than 450 slot machines, a small kitchen and bar. The hotel will be three stories tall, more than 62,000 sq. ft. with 126 guestrooms.

“Right now, we are on schedule for the casino and hotel to be complete by February of 2025,” said Jackie Gamble, Construction Department Director. Only a few weather delays have impacted the casino/hotel project. Some weather delays are expected in Oklahoma, which can experience heavy rain and high winds, but the severe weather that arrived did not put the overall project behind schedule. Construction crews have made up the time and were able to get the roof completed before more rain moved in. Gamble said after the drywall has been completed, woodwork will be added. Then the facility will be ready for its finishing touches and installation of equipment and furniture.
Administration Building
The site for the new tribal administration headquarters is adjacent to the current building. The current tribal headquarters building was a former healthcare facility that was renovated and CPN administration began using it in 1998. The new facility will be a four-story structure of 82,000+ sq. ft. including a new courtroom for CPN Tribal Court proceedings.

Crews have installed 53 concrete piers. Next, footings will be dug for the building. The estimated completion date for the project is July of 2026.
Softball Expansion
Some weather delays did impact the FireLake softball fields expansion project, however. Delays were anticipated because other than the press box/concession and restroom facilities, most of the work is open to the elements.
The new softball complex will have artificial turf fields. The current complex has one quad, plus two additional fields, which were demoed. When complete, the new FireLake ball fields will add another quad, with the possibility of a championship field. Seating will be available for 4,200 fans, a new press box and technical capabilities to broadcast some games.

“The plans are that fields nine and ten will be completed by the end of October this year,” said Gamble. “Then the other fields and the championship field will be done by May of next year.” Work has already started on the complex’s parking lots.
Gamble said all of the construction progress would not be possible without the CPN construction department employees, CPN architects, other in-house departments and partners like Crossland Construction and Guernsey Architects.
“I’m really proud of my guys and their work ethic. They’ve been working overtime. We’ve been working weekends,” said Gamble.
CPN utilized funds from the American Rescue Plan Recovery Act, which was made available by the federal government during the coronavirus pandemic to help spur economic development.