WASHINGTON, D.C. – The Indian Health Service (IHS) Alaska Area Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (ISDEAA) Title V negotiations team, led by IHS Agency Lead Negotiator Lanie Fox, completed fiscal year 2024 negotiations with tribal representatives from the Alaska Tribal Health Compact (ATHC) in Anchorage, AK. The week-long negotiations represent the largest single compact that has been negotiated with the IHS to date.
In fiscal year 1995, 13 Alaska tribes and tribal organizations, known as co-signers, entered into a single multi-party compact with the IHS, then under the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Demonstration Project. Twenty-six co-signers of the Alaska Tribal Health Compact have negotiated individual funding agreements for IHS programs and funds to oversee the health services and best meet the needs of their beneficiaries, as authorized by Title V of the ISDEAA. The co-signers provide health care services to more than 174,000 American Indians and Alaska Natives and 229 federally recognized tribes in Alaska.
“The co-signers of the Alaska Tribal Health System are visionaries and continually demonstrate excellence and innovation,” said IHS Director Roselyn Tso. “The IHS is committed to sustaining relationships with tribal partners to achieve our shared goal of enhancing health equity for all Alaska Natives and American Indians.”
Together, the tribal and federal teams have established guiding principles for the ATHC negotiations, which are built on a foundation of good faith, trust and strong government-to-government relationships. After negotiations each year, the IHS team partners with ATHC tribal representatives in a joint evaluation session for mutual constructive feedback focused on improving communications and the negotiation process.
The Office of Tribal Self-Governance (OTSG) is responsible for the IHS Tribal Self-Governance Program (TSGP), providing information, technical assistance and policy coordination. The OTSG serves as an advocate for self-governance tribes within the IHS regarding the delivery of health care. There are more than 380 federally recognized tribes participating in the IHS TSGP through 112 compacts and 139 funding agreements with self-governance tribes and tribal organizations across all 12 IHS areas.