Tribal Responsible Gaming Session Announced for NCPG Conference

Washington D.C.

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Trilogy Group has announced an alliance with the National Council on Problem Gambling to coordinate a discussion on tribal responsible gaming in a conference session entitled “It Takes a Village.” The session will take place at the National Conference on Gambling Addiction & Responsible Gambling 2023 in Washington, D.C. on July 27th from 1:45pm – 3:00pm. At the event, information will be shared on the NCPG Tribal Responsible Gaming Advisory Council for leaders and experts in problem gambling and the responsible gaming space.

Session Title: It Takes a Village
Date & Time: July 27th 1:45 – 3:00 PM
Session Description:

Gaming came to tribes as a means of economic development and a resource for self-reliance, and with it brought additional challenges, such as addiction, to tribal communities and their neighbors.The socio aspect of the socio-economic impact or benefit has varied definitions.

There have been extraordinary advantages and accentuated challenges. When addressing the impacts of gaming, there is an important distinction between tribal and commercial gaming, one that requires a nuanced approach to address and heal both the tribal members and their neighbors. This approach requires a recipe of respectful restoration, stability of resources, community acceptance, and traditional healing.

Join panelists as they share their tribal perspectives working to restore communities and individuals while maintaining self-respect and position with respective communities.

Session Facilitator:
Raquel Bauri, Esq., CCEP, Vice President Compliance, Four Winds Casino
Anika Howard, President & Chief Executive Officer, Wondr Naton
Chairman Mathew Morgan, Oklahoma Indian Gaming Association
Chairman James Siva, California Nations Indian Gaming Association
Jacob Coin, Executive Advisor to the Chairman, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians